jquery - How to add Arrows in Scroll Bar (Left - Right) -

i tried add arrows on left , right scroll bar second navigation tool.

the scroll bar mobile friendly , scrolling finger

has idea how take it


<style>  {   color: #252525;   text-decoration-line: none;   text-decoration-style: solid;   transition-duration: 100ms;   transition-timing-function: linear;   transition-delay: 20ms;   transition-property: color, background-color; }  .window {     margin-top: 12px;     overflow-y: hidden;     overflow-x: hidden;     -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;     position: relative;     margin-bottom: 20px;     background-color: #f5f5f5;     border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;     -webkit-border-radius: 4px;     -moz-border-radius: 4px;     border-radius: 4px;     -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);     -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);     box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);     /* fixes scrolling in ie */     padding-left: 0;     padding-right: 0;        margin-top: 50px;   margin-right: 0px;   margin-bottom: 10px;   margin-left: 0px; }   .ie8 .window    padding-top: 0;   padding-bottom: 0;  }   .slider-frame-wrapper{   overflow: hidden;   overflow-x: scroll; }  .slider-frame {   overflow: visible;   margin-bottom: 0;   white-space: nowrap;  }  .ie8 .slider-frame {     background-color: #ececec;   background-image: none;   background-repeat: repeat;   background-attachment: scroll;   background-clip: border-box;   background-origin: padding-box;   background-position-x: 0%;   background-position-y: 0%;   background-size: auto auto;   font-weight: bold;   font-size: 16px;   padding-top: 10px;   padding-bottom: 10px;   margin-bottom: 0px; }  .slider-panel {     max-width: 270px; /* width of each individual items */     display: inline-block;     vertical-align: top;     margin-right: 7px;     white-space: normal;      border-right-width: 3px;   border-right-style: solid;     border-right-color: black;     padding-left: 10px;   padding-right: 20px;   float: none;  }  </style> 


<body>                 <div class="well window">                 <div class="slider-frame-wrapper">                      <ul class="slider-frame">  <li class="slider-panel"><h2><a  title="iphone" href="#/apple-    c-19.html">iphone</a></h2></li>  <li class="slider-panel"><h2> <a title="samsung" href="#/samsung-c-21.html">samsung</a></h2> </li> <li class="slider-panel"><h2> <a title="lg" href="#/lg-c-23.html">lg</a></h2> </li> <li class="slider-panel"><h2> <a title="huawei" href="#/huawei-c-31.html">huawei</a></h2> </li> <li class="slider-panel"><h2> <a title="sony" href="#/sony-c-24.html">sony</a></h2> </li>  </ul>         </div>      </body> 

set .window{ overflow-x: visible; } in css. can pan entire html fingerstrokes.

for reason, stackoverflow insists answer longer, or won't let me place it.
