Angular datatables - missing sort arrows when columns defined with DTColumnBuilder -

i'm using angular-datatables , when define table using angular renderer can see nice arrows sorting column.

<table class="datatable row-border hover" datatable="ng" dt options="vm.dtoptions">     <thead>      <tr>       <th class="secondary-text">         <div class="table-header">           <span class="column-title">my header</span>         </div>       </th>       </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>       <tr ng-repeat="ex in ::vm.exes">         <td>{{ex.myvalue}}</td>        </tr>     </tbody> </table> 

when define columns dtcolumnbuilder.newcolumn arrows missing (sorting works).

 <table datatable="" dt-options="vm.dtoptions" dt-columns="vm.dtcolumns"          class="datatable row-border hover"         dt-disable-deep-watchers="true"          dt-instance="vm.dtinstancecallback">  </table> 


vm.dtcolumns = [         dtcolumnbuilder.newcolumn('myvalue').withtitle('my header'),  

can bring sorting arrows back?


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