javascript - Chartjs and Polymer 1.7.0 -

when using chartjs polymer setting dom: 'shadow', getting error

uncaught typeerror: failed execute 'getcomputedstyle' on 'window': parameter 1 not of type 'element

but if remove dom: 'shadow' initial setting polymer, error gone. cant understand problem is.

shouldn't use 'dom':'shadow'?

live preview(see console):

my code in

<script>   window.polymer = {             dom: 'shadow',          // local dom rendered using shadow dom supported             lazyregister: true      // sets lazy registeration custom elements         }; </script>  <script src=""></script> <base href="">  <link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html">  <style>   html, body{     padding: 0;     margin: 0;     box-sizing: border-box;     height: 500px;     width: 100%;   }   chart-element{     height: 100%;     width: 100%;   } </style>    <dom-module id="chart-element">   <template>     <style>       :host{         display: block;         height: 100%;         width: 100%;       }       #chart{         height: 100%;         width: 100%;       }     </style>     <canvas id="chart"></canvas>   </template>     <script>   polymer({     is: 'chart-element',      ready: function(){       this.async(function(){         this._drawchart();       }.bind(this), 2000);     },      _drawchart: function(){       var labels = ["jul", "aug", "sep", "oct"];                 var rasied = ["1710", "0", "0", "0"];                 var solved = ["1642", "0", "0", "0"];                 var ctx = this.$$('#chart');                 var chart = new chart(ctx, {                         type: 'line',                         data: {                             labels: labels,                             datasets: [                                 {                                     label: "raised",                                     fill: false,                                     linetension: 0.1,                                     backgroundcolor: "#f44336",                                     bordercolor: "#f44336",                                     bordercapstyle: 'butt',                                     borderdash: [],                                     borderdashoffset: 0.0,                                     borderjoinstyle: 'round',                                     pointbordercolor: "#f44336",                                     pointbackgroundcolor: "#fff",                                     pointborderwidth: 6,                                     pointhoverradius: 5,                                     pointhoverbackgroundcolor: "#f44336",                                     pointhoverbordercolor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",                                     pointhoverborderwidth: 2,                                     pointradius: 1,                                     pointhitradius: 10,                                     data: rasied                                 },                                 {                                     label: "solved",                                     fill: false,                                     linetension: 0.1,                                     backgroundcolor: "#009688",                                     bordercolor: "#009688",                                     bordercapstyle: 'butt',                                     borderdash: [],                                     borderdashoffset: 0.0,                                     borderjoinstyle: 'round',                                     pointbordercolor: "#009688",                                     pointbackgroundcolor: "#fff",                                     pointborderwidth: 6,                                     pointhoverradius: 5,                                     pointhoverbackgroundcolor: "#009688",                                     pointhoverbordercolor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",                                     pointhoverborderwidth: 2,                                     pointradius: 1,                                     pointhitradius: 10,                                     data: solved                                 }                             ]                         },                         options: {                             responsive: true,                             maintainaspectratio: false,                             scales: {                                 yaxes: [{                                     ticks: {                                         beginatzero:true                                     }                                 }]                             }                         }                     });     }   }); </script> </dom-module> <chart-element></chart-element> 

when chartjs initializes view, tries read maximum height of given canvas' container calling getcomputedstyle() on it. in case of shadow dom, container custom element's shadow root, documentfragment, not support getcomputedstyle(), resulting in runtime error you're seeing.

to workaround problem, wrap <canvas> in htmlelement, such <div>.

<template>   <div>     <canvas id="chart"></canvas>   <div> </template> 


you might interested in using chart-elements library, polymer wrapper around chartjs , not exhibit problem shadow dom enabled: codepen
