How can the Azure Active Directory Authentication Sevice be forced to reissue an id_token with updated claims? -

we using azure b2c authenticate our users working fine. after signup add custom claims our users defined in b2c portal "user attributes" using graph api. when log portal can see these values have been set our calls, have standard claims values(i.e. set display name concatening givenname , lastname values).

the issue having after these values set, not appear in token retrieved sending access token authenticate endpoints until user logged out , in again (which pretty awful user experience after signup). looks original id_token cached when user created , being returned instead.

this doesnt make sense, seems sensible let user update profile (claims values) while logged application , changes take affect without needing re-authenticate?

could explain how/if possible force cached id_token on server expire when request id_token using access token, id_token contains up-to-date claims values?

the issue having after these values set, not appear in token retrieved sending access token authenticate endpoints until user logged out , in again (which pretty awful user experience after signup).

would mind show request detail how acquire id_token?

based on test, can acquire id_token updated claim successful steps below:

1 . sign-in web app

2 . update displayname using azure ad graph below:

post:{userid}?api-version=1.6 {      "displayname":"newvalue" } 

3. re-request id_token oauth2.0 authorization endpoint using http request without sign-out/sign-in( can capture exact request using fiddler when sign-in app)


4 . update claim value show in new id_token expected

to narrow down issue, may see whether there cache id_token in app.
