I am trying to automate the installation of HortonWorks using Ansible but facing errors -

i begginer ansible, when installing ambari server getting below errors. though machine has got installed python, postgress, openssl. still getting same errors.

task [ambari-server : install ambari-server] *********************************** fatal: [servername]: failed! => {"changed": true, "failed": true, "msg": "repository hdp- listed more once in configuration\nrepository hdp-utils- listed more once in configuration\nrepository updates-ambari- listed more once in configuration\nerror: missing dependency: openssl needed package ambari-server- (updates-ambari-\nerror: missing dependency: /bin/sh needed package ambari-server- (updates-ambari-\nerror: missing dependency: python >= 2.6 needed package ambari-server-

tasks of install ambari-server

  • name: add ambari repo get_url: url="{{ ambari_repo_url }}" dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo

  • name: add hdp repo get_url: url="{{ hdp_repo }}" dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/hdp.repo

  • name: accept ambari rpm gpg key rpm_key: state=present key={{ ambari_gpgkey_url }}

  • name: install ambari-server yum: name=ambari-server state=present

  • name: run ambari-server setup in silent mode shell: ambari-server setup --silent

  • name: start ambari-server shell: service ambari-server restart

please me in getting out errors.
