scala - scalding with Custom Tap could not build flow from assembly -

everyone have scalding project save data hbase using latest or stable engine in environtment, these engine , dependencies used project :

engine :

  1. zookeeper 3.4.9
  2. hbase 1.2.3
  3. hadoop 2.7.2

dependencies :

librarydependencies ++= seq(

"org.apache.hbase" % "hbase" % "1.2.3",

"org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-server" % "1.2.3",

"org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-protocol" % "1.2.3",

"org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-common" % "1.2.3",

"org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-client" % "1.2.3",

"org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-core" % "1.2.1",

"org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-common" % "2.7.2",

"cascading" % "cascading-core" % "2.6.1",

"cascading" % "cascading-local" % "2.6.1",

"cascading" % "cascading-hadoop" % "2.6.1",

"com.twitter" %% "scalding-args" % "0.15.0",

"com.twitter" %% "scalding-core" % "0.15.0",

"com.twitter" %% "scalding-date" % "0.15.0"


and because hbasetap , hbasesource hbase 1.2.3 not available yet, create own hbasetap , hbasesource using reference :



then when run project give me error :

cascading.flow.planner.plannerexception: not build flow assembly: [null]

i run project in hdfs mode code :

yarn jar {path jar} {class} --hdfs --host localhost

the job run in project pretty simple, it's read file , put hbase, :

class hbasetests(args: args) extends job(args) {
val input = textline("/mnt/hello.txt")
val out = new hbasesource("testing", "localhost","stream", 'line ,array('offset))
.write(out) }

and custom hbase tap : mycustomhbasetap.scala

can me fix ? all.
