javascript - Owl Carousel does not Autoplay -

i using owl carousel in site

and not auto play link of site link of site

this html code

<script src="owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js"></script>  <script type="text/javascript">  $(document).ready(function() {    $("#owl-demo").owlcarousel({  	autoplay : 5000,  	navigation : false, // show next , prev buttons  	slidespeed : 300,  	paginationspeed : 400,  	singleitem:true    });  $("#owl-demo2").owlcarousel({  autoplay : 5000,  	navigation : false, // show next , prev buttons  	slidespeed : 300,  	paginationspeed : 400,  	singleitem:true    });  $("#owl-demo3").owlcarousel({  autoplay : 5000,  	navigation : false, // show next , prev buttons  	slidespeed : 300,  	paginationspeed : 400,  	singleitem:true    });    });  </script>
<div id="owl-demo2" class="owl-carousel owl-theme">    					<div class="item">  							<img src="img/k1.jpg" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="" />  							<div class="capt text-center">  								قرية بوذيب  							</div>  					</div>  					<div class="item">  							<img src="img/k1.jpg" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="" />  							<div class="capt text-center">  								قرية بوذيب  							</div>  					</div>  					<div class="item">  							<img src="img/k1.jpg" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="" />  							<div class="capt text-center">  								قرية بوذيب  							</div>  					</div>  				</div>  			</div>
feel free check link , see if can find problems. appreciated! here link own carousel documentation thank helping

in example have autoplay : 5000 in website don't have it.

update code in website fix problem:

$("#owl-demo").owlcarousel({     autoplay : 5000,     navigation : false, // show next , prev buttons     slidespeed : 300,     paginationspeed : 400,     singleitem:true  }); $("#owl-demo2").owlcarousel({     autoplay : 5000,     navigation : false, // show next , prev buttons     slidespeed : 300,     paginationspeed : 400,     singleitem:true  }); $("#owl-demo3").owlcarousel({     autoplay : 5000,     navigation : false, // show next , prev buttons     slidespeed : 300,     paginationspeed : 400,     singleitem:true  }); 


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