android - Swipe Left / Right to navigate on Ionic 2 RC 2 -

i have couple of pages , want swipe left or right navigate between them. example tabs component :

import { component } '@angular/core'; import { homepage } '../home/home'; import { search } '../search/search'; import { share } '../share/share'; import { notification } '../notification/notification'; import { profile } '../profile/profile';   @component({   selector: 'hn-tabs',   templateurl: 'tabs.html' }) export class tabspage {   // tells tabs component pages   // should each tab's root page   home: = homepage;   search: = search;   share: = share;   notification: = notification;   profile: = profile;    constructor() { } } 

and want navigate search page home page swipe - left .

is possible ?

please !!
