php - Delete multiple rows from mysql database -

i want delete multiple rows mysql database using php code code have message error how solve ?

you have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'on' @ line 1

$files_query=mysqli_query($conn,"select * tbl_files db_isdeleted='1'")or die(mysqli_error($conn));           if(mysqli_num_rows($files_query)>0){           echo"<table class='table table-hover table-responsive table-bordered'><tr>";           echo"<td style='background:#f7ac01;font-size:16px;text-align: center;'><input type='checkbox' class='allcb' data-child='chk'/></td>                <td style='background:#f7ac01;font-size:16px;text-align: center;'>filename</td>                <td style='background:#f7ac01;font-size:16px;text-align: center;'>date</td>";         echo"</tr>";                 while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($files_query)){               $id=$row['db_id'];               $name=$row['name'];               $date=$row['db_date'];               echo"<tr>";          echo'<form method="post" action="">';         echo"<input type='hidden' name='txt_table' value='tbl_files'>";         echo"<input type='hidden' name='txt_action' value='files'>";              echo"<td style='text-align: center;'><input type='checkbox' name='item[]'  class='chk'/></td>";                   echo"<td style='text-align: center;'>$name</td>";           echo"<td style='text-align: center;'>$date</td>";            }       echo"</tr>";       echo"</table>";             echo"<input type='submit' name='delete' value='delete' class='btn btn-danger'>&nbsp;";             echo"<input type='submit' name='restore' value='restore' class='btn btn-success'>";              echo"</form>";       }  


<?php   if(isset($_post['delete'])){       $table=$_post['txt_table'];       $action=$_post['txt_action'];        foreach($_request['item'] $id) {         // delete item id $id     $delete_query=mysqli_query($conn,"delete {$table} db_id=$id")or die(mysqli_error($conn));     header("location:recyclebin.php?action=$action&msg=1");            }   }   ?> 

sorry english. :) code has many "problems" :), but...

three steps make works:

first, form must created before while cycle:

echo'<form method="post" action="">';      while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($files_query)){ 

next, must provide ids of db rows (add value="$id" checkboxes):

echo"<td style='text-align: center;'><input type='checkbox' name='item[]'  value="$id" class='chk'/></td>"; 

and in form "action" php file, redirecting after first iteration. move redirect after foreach cycle:

  foreach($_request['item'] $id) {         // delete item id $id     $delete_query=mysqli_query($conn,"delete {$table} db_id=$id")or die(mysqli_error($conn));      } header("location:recyclebin.php?action=$action&msg=1"); 

but code bad , unsafe, read this:


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