java - Load lazy objects only when needed -

i using hibernate scenario in app have 1 parent table contains foreign key referenced address table.address having @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) in parent want is

case 1) need fetch data parent table when user of type parent login don't want load address in case.

case 2) when parent goes edit his/her personal information need load parent along address

i tried fallowing code


    gsonbuilder builder = new gsonbuilder();     builder.registertypeadapterfactory(hibernateproxytypeadapter.factory);     gson gson = new gson();     int parentid = integer.parseint(request.getparameter("parentid"));     return gson.tojson(api.getparentdetails(parentid)); 

getparentdetails() method

public hashmap getparentdetails(int parentid) throws exception {         parent parentdetails;         responsehashmap = util.getinitialhashmap();         try {             session.gettransaction().begin();             query q = session.createquery("from parent p p.parentid=:parentid");             q.setparameter("parentid", parentid);             parentdetails = (parent) q.uniqueresult();             //hibernate.initialize(parentdetails.getaddress());              responsehashmap.put("responsedata", parentdetails);             responsehashmap.put("responsecount", 0);             if (parentdetails != null) {                 responsehashmap.put("errorcode", 107);             } else {                 responsehashmap.put("errorcode", 0);             }             session.gettransaction().commit();         } catch (exception e) {             session.gettransaction().rollback();             throw e;         }         return responsehashmap;      } 

now can see commented line


when uncomment line code works fine fails in case 1 me loads unnecessary data me address of parent dont want in case

when comment line


i getting error

org.hibernate.lazyinitializationexception: not initialize proxy - no session

i know above error occurring because hibernate goes lazy objects session not alive there.

then how achieve case 1 (see above) in app.


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