Graphhopper: ClassCastException when calculating path with CH Astar/Dikstra Bi -

using wgs84 coordinates can write graph , index disk. in java project read graph , index disk. works fine following code.

flagencoder encoder = new carflagencoder(); encodingmanager em = new encodingmanager(encoder);  graphbuilder gb = new graphbuilder(em).     setlocation(testdir).     setstore(true).     setchgraph(new fastestweighting(encoder));  // load , use graph graphhopperstorage graph = gb.load();  // load index locationindex index = new locationindextree(graph.getbasegraph(), graph.getdirectory()); if (!index.loadexisting())     throw new illegalstateexception("location index cannot loaded!");  algorithmoptions algoopts = algorithmoptions.start().algorithm(parameters.algorithms.astar_bi). traversalmode(traversalmode.node_based). weighting(new fastestweighting(encoder)). build();  preparecontractionhierarchies pch = new preparecontractionhierarchies(graph.getdirectory(), graph, graph.getgraph(chgraphimpl.class), new fastestweighting(encoder), traversalmode.node_based); pch.dowork();  queryresult fromqr = index.findclosest(fromcoordinate.x, fromcoordinate.y, edgefilter.all_edges); queryresult toqr = index.findclosest(tocoordinate.x, tocoordinate.y, edgefilter.all_edges); querygraph querygraph = new querygraph(graph); querygraph.lookup(fromqr, toqr);  routingalgorithm algorithm = pch.createalgo(querygraph, algoopts);  path path = algorithm.calcpath(fromqr.getclosestnode(), toqr.getclosestnode()); 

however, first wonder why preparation of contraction hierarchies needs time. have expected preparation had been done already. done again? what's purpose of file named "shortcuts_fastest_car"?

second, receive confusing classcastexception once algorithm.calcpath called.

exception in thread "main" java.lang.classcastexception:$edgeiterable cannot cast com.graphhopper.util.chedgeiteratorstate @ com.graphhopper.routing.util.leveledgefilter.accept( @ com.graphhopper.routing.abstractroutingalgorithm.accept( @ com.graphhopper.routing.astarbidirection.filledges( @ com.graphhopper.routing.astarbidirection.filledgesfrom( @ com.graphhopper.routing.abstractbidiralgo.runalgo( @ com.graphhopper.routing.abstractbidiralgo.calcpath( 

what's going wrong? there config flag missing?

i think have pass ch graph


instead of graph querygraph constructor.


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