rest - CherryPy read PATCH body -

i'm developing api in cherrypy. i'd handle patch requests. but, following error in patch() method

line 143, in patch data = cherrypy.request.json 

i'm wandering, how can body of patch request

import cherrypy  controllers.usercontroller import usercontroller   def cors():     """allow web apps not on same server use our api     """     cherrypy.response.headers["access-control-allow-origin"] = "*"      cherrypy.response.headers["access-control-allow-headers"] = (         "content-type, authorization, x-requested-with"     )      cherrypy.response.headers["access-control-allow-methods"] = (         'get, post, put, delete, options, patch'     )  if __name__ == '__main__':     """starts cherrypy server , listens requests     """      usercontroller = usercontroller() = cherrypy.tool('before_handler', cors)      cherrypy.config.update({         'server.socket_host': '',         'server.socket_port': 8080,         'tools.cors.on': true,     })      # api method dispatcher     # defining here because want map http verb     # same method on controller class. _api_user_conf     # used on each route want restful     _api_conf = {         '/': {             'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.methoddispatcher(),         }     }      # _api_user_conf better explained     # default dispatcher in cherrypy stores http method name @     # :attr:`cherrypy.request.method<cherrypy._cprequest.request.method>`.      # because http defines these invocation methods, direct     # way implement rest using cherrypy utilize     # :class:`methoddispatcher<cherrypy._cpdispatch.methoddispatcher>`     # instead of default dispatcher. enable     # method dispatcher, add     # following configuration root uri ("/")::      #     '/': {     #         'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.methoddispatcher(),     #     }      # now, rest methods map directly same method names on     # resources. is, method on cherrypy class implements     # http on resource represented class.      #      cherrypy.tree.mount(usercontroller, '/api/users', _api_conf)       cherrypy.engine.start()     cherrypy.engine.block() 

the controller resides in controllers/ there file located in controllers folder


import cherrypy  # services.userserviceprovider import userserviceprovider  typing import dict, list  ''' notes  + - automatically outputs response in json  +  - automatically parses json body ''' class usercontroller():      # expose class methods @ once     exposed = true      def __init__(self):         # create instance of service provider         # self.userservice = userserviceprovider()         pass      '''     code allows our routes     , uuid made available routes user input     '''      def _cp_dispatch(self, vpath: list[str]):          # since our routes contain guid, we'll have 1          # path. if have more, ignore         if len(vpath) == 1:             cherrypy.request.params['uuid'] = vpath.pop()          return self     def get(self, **kwargs: dict[str, str]) -> str:         """         either gets users or particular user if id passed in.         using cherrypy tools decorator can automagically output json         without having using json.dumps()         """          # our uri should /api/users/{guid}, using _cp_dispatch,          # changes uri /api/users?uuid={guid}          if 'uuid' not in kwargs:             # if no guid passed in uri, should users' info             # database             # results =  self.userservice.getallusers()             results = {                 'status' : 'getting users'             }         else:             # results = self.userservice.getuser(kwargs['uuid'])             results = {                 'status' : 'searching user ' + kwargs['uuid']             }          return results     def post(self):         """creates new user         """         input = cherrypy.request.json         inputparams = {}          # convert keys unicode regular strings         key, value in input.items():            inputparams[key] = str(value)          try:             # result = self.userservice.adduser(inputparams)             result = {                 'status' : 'inserting new record'             }              if len(inputparams) == 0:                 raise exception('no body')         except exception err:             result = {'error' : 'failed create user. ' + err.__str__()}          return result     def delete(self, **kwargs: dict[str, str]):         # convert keys unicode regular strings         uuid = ''         if 'uuid' not in kwargs:             result = {                 'success' : false,                 'message' : 'you must specfy user.'             }              return result          uuid = kwargs['uuid']          try:             if len(uuid) == 0:                 raise exception('must pass in user id')              # result = self.userservice.deleteuser(inputparams)             result = {                 'status' : 'deleting user id: ' + uuid             }         except exception err:             result = {'error' : 'could not delete. ' + err.__str__()}          return result     def put(self):         # request body         data = cherrypy.request.json         print('body:\n' + str(data))         # result = self.userservice.updateuser(data)         result = {             'status' : 'updating user'         }          return result     def patch(self, **kwargs: dict[str, str]):          # _cp_dispatch() method         if 'uuid' not in kwargs:             result = {                 'success' : false,                 'message' : 'you must specfy user.'             }              return result         else:             print('found uuid: ' + kwargs['uuid'])          # request body         data = cherrypy.request.json          # result = self.userservice.updateuser(data, kwargs['uuid'])         result = {             'status' : 'patching user ({})'.format(kwargs['uuid'])         }          return result      def options(self):         return 'allow: delete, get, head, options, patch, post, put'      def head(self):         return '' 

all other requests seem work, but, one. i'm thinking issue may call _cp_dispatch() method, but, if is, how handle uri path parameter?


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