qt - PyQt4: QTextEdit start in nth line -

i have popup contains qtextedit, has lot of text in it, lot of lines. want scroll line in qtextedit on show(). line want @ top.

code snippet:

editor = qtgui.qtextedit() # fill editor text # set scroll nth line editor.show() 

how can achieve that?


i've managed show nth line @ bottom:

cursor = qtgui.qtextcursor(editor.document().findblockbylinenumber(n)) editor.movecursor(qtgui.qtextcursor.end) editor.settextcursor(cursor) 

for example n=25 get:

_______________________ . . . . 25th line _______________________ 

but need @ top...

you have it. trick move current cursor bottom first, , reset cursor target line. view automatically scroll make cursor visible:

editor.movecursor(qtgui.qtextcursor.end) cursor = qtgui.qtextcursor(editor.document().findblockbylinenumber(n)) editor.settextcursor(cursor) 

by extension, position cursor @ bottom, move current cursor start first:

editor.movecursor(qtgui.qtextcursor.start) ... 

here's demo script:

from pyqt4 import qtcore, qtgui  class window(qtgui.qwidget):     def __init__(self):         super(window, self).__init__()         self.edit = qtgui.qtextedit(self)         self.edit.setplaintext(             '\n'.join('%04d - blah blah blah' % in range(200)))         self.button = qtgui.qpushbutton('go line', self)         self.button.clicked.connect(self.handlebutton)         self.spin = qtgui.qspinbox(self)         self.spin.setrange(0, 199)         self.spin.setvalue(50)         self.check = qtgui.qcheckbox('scroll top')         self.check.setchecked(true)         layout = qtgui.qgridlayout(self)         layout.addwidget(self.edit, 0, 0, 1, 3)         layout.addwidget(self.button, 1, 0)         layout.addwidget(self.spin, 1, 1)         layout.addwidget(self.check, 1, 2)         qtcore.qtimer.singleshot(0, lambda: self.scrolltoline(50))      def scrolltoline(self, line=0):         if self.check.ischecked():             self.edit.movecursor(qtgui.qtextcursor.end)         else:             self.edit.movecursor(qtgui.qtextcursor.start)         cursor = qtgui.qtextcursor(             self.edit.document().findblockbylinenumber(line))         self.edit.settextcursor(cursor)      def handlebutton(self):         self.scrolltoline(self.spin.value())         self.edit.setfocus()  if __name__ == '__main__':      import sys     app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv)     window = window()     window.setgeometry(500, 100, 400, 300)     window.show()     sys.exit(app.exec_()) 


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