ruby - Bundle command not found - Jenkinsfile groovy -

i have groovy script runs job in jenkins pipeline fails when trys run bundle. error

bundle: command not found 

i thought including path variable in build process seems not case

node {   stage 'bundle build'   withenv(['path=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/:sbin/usr/local/bin:$path']) {     sh '''bundle'''  } 


when run which bundle /users/jenkins/.rvm/gems/ruby/bin/bundle

but builds run under /users/jenkins/.jenkins

how can use bundle when building job?

any appreciated



if run works

node {   stage 'bundle build'   withenv(['path=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/:sbin/usr/local/bin:$path']) {     sh '''#!/bin bash -l           bundle'''  } 


but doesnt seem right

try instead

node {   stage 'bundle build'   withenv([       "path=$home/.rbenv/bin:$home/.rbenv/shims:$path",       "rbenv_shell=sh"       ]) {     sh '''bundle'''  } 

please make sure path .rbenv correct


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