javascript - Using webpack to simply transpile and concat files? -

so trying figure out how use webpack replace our current brunch build process. have angular 1 app doesnt utilise requires or imports @ , want have webpack concat+transpile files (there both coffee , sass files , ill need able watch , create source maps using usual settings). angular app sitting inside application using webpack extensively.

what simplest way accomplish this? possible without app using form of javascript modules?

here current config:

var webpack  = require( "webpack" ); var extracttextplugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); var path = require("path"); var glob = require("glob");  const exportconfig = {    entry: {         app: glob.sync('./front-end/applications/core/app/**/*.coffee'),         vendor: ['angular']     },         output: {         filename: "app.bundle.js",         path: path.join( __dirname, "../www_root/build" ),     },     debug: true,       module: {         loaders: [             {                  test: /\.coffee$/,                  loader: "coffee-loader"              },             {                 test: /\.sass$/,                 loaders: ["style", "css", "sass"]             },             {                 test: /\.(jsx|es6)/,                 exclude: /(node_modules|www_root\/bower)/,                 loader: "babel",             },                                 ]     },     plugins: [         new webpack.optimize.commonschunkplugin("vendor", "vendor.bundle.js"),         new extracttextplugin("[name].css", {             allchunks: true         }),          ]   }  module.exports = exportconfig 

i output file error each of files obviously:

(function webpackmissingmodule() { throw new error("cannot find module \"./front-end/applications/core/app/components/app/\""); }()); 



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