html5 - how to export all table record using Jspdf.addhtml? -

i have html table.i want export html table pdf file.i used jspdf.addhtml method.

my table contains 50 records.generating pdf file no issues.but problem 10 record displaying in webpage capturing 10 record table.

i want capture records table.

here code:

function fnexportdivtopdf() {      var pdf = new jspdf('l', 'pt', 'a4');      source = $('#divreport')[0];      specialelementhandlers = {    '#bypassme': function (element, renderer) {       return true         }     };     margins = {         top: 30,         bottom: 40,         left: 30,         width: 1300     };      var options = {          pagesplit: true,         "background": '#ffffff',         'width': margins.width,'elementhandlers': specialelementhandlers     };      pdf.addhtml(source,options,             function () {  'report.pdf');             $("#divreport").remove();         }, margins);  } 
