excel - "File Format Is Not Valid" error while trying to export xlsx file from data table -

excel gives me error: excel cannot open file .xlsx because file format or file extension not valid.

here code:

response.appendheader("content-type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")         response.appendheader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=excel.xlsx")         response.contentencoding = encoding.unicode         response.binarywrite(encoding.unicode.getpreamble)         response.write(x.tostring)         response.end() 

i believe should this.

 private sub datatabletoexcel(byval dttemp datatable)         dim _excel new microsoft.office.interop.excel.application         dim wbook microsoft.office.interop.excel.workbook         dim wsheet microsoft.office.interop.excel.worksheet          wbook = _excel.workbooks.add()         wsheet = wbook.activesheet()          dim dt system.data.datatable = dttemp         dim dc system.data.datacolumn         dim dr system.data.datarow         dim colindex integer = 0         dim rowindex integer = 0          each dc in dt.columns             colindex = colindex + 1             _excel.cells(1, colindex) = dc.columnname         next          each dr in dt.rows             rowindex = rowindex + 1             colindex = 0             each dc in dt.columns                 colindex = colindex + 1                 _excel.cells(rowindex + 1, colindex) = dr(dc.columnname)             next         next          wsheet.columns.autofit()         dim strfilename string = "c:\datatable.xlsx"         if system.io.file.exists(strfilename)             system.io.file.delete(strfilename)         end if          wbook.saveas(strfilename)         wbook.close()         _excel.quit()     end sub 



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