c# - Cyrillic symbols in HttpClient POST request for upload filename -

in 1 of .net applications i've go method uploads file site via httpclient. here implementation

        using (var clienthandler = new httpclienthandler         {             cookiecontainer = cookiecontainer,             usedefaultcredentials = true         })         {             using (var client = new httpclient(clienthandler))             {                 client.baseaddress = requestaddress;                 client.defaultrequestheaders.accept.clear();                 using (var content = new multipartformdatacontent())                 {                      var streamcontent = new streamcontent(new memorystream(filedata));                      streamcontent.headers.contentdisposition = contentdispositionheadervalue.parse("form-data");                     streamcontent.headers.contentdisposition.parameters.add(new namevalueheadervalue("name", "contentfile"));                     streamcontent.headers.contentdisposition.parameters.add(new namevalueheadervalue("filename", "\"" + filename + "\""));                     streamcontent.headers.contenttype = new mediatypeheadervalue(contenttype);                      content.add(streamcontent);                      httpresponsemessage response = await client.postasync("/files/uploadfile", content);                       if (response.issuccessstatuscode)                     {                         return true;                     }                      return false;                 }             }         } 

method work fine. when pass cyrillic symbols in filename property generated post request filename has corrupted symbols ????1.docx exmaple ? replaces cyrillic symbol. there way send cyrillic symbols without corruption?

i believe filename limited on can in terms of code page. guess supports ascii (not 100% sure). there better header can use called filename* bit hard google since google remove * , ordinary filename back.

long story short need use this:


you might need encoding of filename regard space, etc. can google bit more on + check post.

p.s. older browsers might not it, need check requirements.
