sql server - Get Other Column to Include on Pivot Calculation SQL -

i have following table:

-------------------------------------------------------------- inspectyear     part       cpoint  pos1    pos2    pos3    pos4 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2009            001        0.2     8       8       9       7 2009            002        0.2     9       7       8       6 2011            001        0.3     9       9       8       7 2011            002        0.7     7       8       6       8 2013            001        0.2     8       9       7       9 2013            002        0.4     7       7       8       8 2015            001        0.2     8       8       7       4 2015            002        0.8     7       6       9       8 

then have following query:

declare @inspectyear nvarchar(max), @calc nvarchar(max), @query nvarchar(max);  set @inspectyear = stuff((select distinct ',' + quotename(inspectyear) ##t2 c                   xml path(''), type).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'')  select @calc = ', (' + quotename(max(inspectyear)) + ' - ' + quotename(max(inspectyear)-2)           + ') / 2.0 calc1, 1.0 * (' + quotename(max(inspectyear)) + ' - ' + quotename(min(inspectyear))           + ') / (' + cast(max(inspectyear) char(4)) + '-' + cast(min(inspectyear) char(4)) + ') calc2'  #t2;  set @query = ';with data (       select      inspectyear, cpoint,                   partno, pos, number       #t2       unpivot       (             number             pos in ([pos1], [pos2], [pos3], [pos4])       ) unpvt ) select * ' + @calc + ' ##temp data pivot (       sum(number)       inspectyear in (' + @inspectyear + ') ) pvt order partno';  exec sp_executesqk @query = @query; select * ##temp; drop table ##temp; 

the result should be:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- part   cpoint      pos      2009    2011    2013    2015    calc1     calc2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001    0.2         pos1     8       9       8       10      1         0.33 001    0.3         pos2     8       9       9       8       -0.5      0 001    0.2         pos3     9       8       7       7       0         -0.33 001    0.2         pos4     7       7       9       4       -2.5      -0.5 

my question is, how can add new calculation newest value minus cpoint value...? let say, calc3.

for example, on first record on result above.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- part   cpoint      pos      2009    2011    2013    2015    calc1     calc2   calc3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001    0.2         pos1     8       9       8       10      1         0.33    9.8 

10 value on newest year column minus 0.2 cpoint. result calc3 = 9.8

does have idea this? thank you.
