c# - Listing arguments for a method node -

i'm trying list arguments method.

when use sample client can see following information:

enter image description here

but when use _session.browse() children of "methodio" can't see arguments:

var browsedescr = new browsedescription {     nodeid = methodnode.nodeid.tostring(),     browsedirection = browsedirection.forward,     referencetypeid = referencetypeids.aggregates,     includesubtypes = true,     nodeclassmask = (uint)(nodeclass.variable | nodeclass.object),     resultmask = (uint)browseresultmask.all }; var arguments = browse(browsedescr); 


enter image description here

i've tried:

  1. browse children of inputargument node
  2. to use _session.readnode(methodnode.nodeid.tostring());

so doing wrong? how can figure out arguments method has?

from screenshot looks you're getting 2 expected nodes back, not?

once have these nodes, actual datatype of input , output arguments method determined datatype of inputarguments , outputarguments nodes.
