android - How can I construct this URL for RetroFit API -

this url using query results:* 

i using retrofit first far how build url:

   public static string getstockdataurl(string stock_symbol){         string startdate = utils.getlastyear() ;         string enddate = utils.gettodaydate();         try{             string yahoo_base_url = constants.yahoo_base_query;             string query_stock_data = constants.query_stock_data +                     constants.symbol_query +stock_symbol+ constants.start_date_query +startdate+"\" " +                    constants.end_date_query + enddate+"\"";             return yahoo_base_url + urlencoder.encode(query_stock_data, "utf-8")                     + constants.format_query                     + constants.tables_callback_query;         }catch (exception e){             e.printstacktrace();         }         return null;     } 

these constants used create url

public static final string yahoo_base_query = "";     public static final string query_stock_data = "select * ";     public static final string symbol_query = "symbol = \"";     public static final string start_date_query = "\" , startdate = \"";     public static final string end_date_query =  "and enddate = \"";     public static final string format_query = "&format=json&diagnostics=true&env=store%3a%2f%2fdatatables.";     public static final string tables_callback_query = "org%2falltableswithkeys&callback="; 

i have stock_symbol input user , create url last year date , todays date how can achieve retrofit api interface ?

this method query data retrofit

public void getstockquotes(string symbol) {         quotesapi apiservice =                 apiclient.getclient().create(quotesapi.class);          string query = utils.getstockdataurl(symbol);          log.d(log_tag, query);          call<quotesresponse> call = apiservice.getquotes(query);          call.enqueue(new callback<quotesresponse>() {              @override             public void onresponse(call<quotesresponse> call, retrofit2.response<quotesresponse> response) {                 list<quotes> movies = response.body().getresults();                 log.d(tag, "number of movies received: " + movies.size());             }              @override             public void onfailure(call<quotesresponse> call, throwable t) {                 log.d(tag, t.tostring());             }         });  

this quotesapi interface have created

@get         call<quotesresponse> getquotes(@url string url); 

these logcat details:

 java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt invoke virtual method 'java.util.list' on null object reference                                                            @$1.onresponse(                                                            @ retrofit2.executorcalladapterfactory$executorcallbackcall$1$                                                            @ android.os.handler.handlecallback(                                                            @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(                                                            @ android.os.looper.loop(                                                            @                                                            @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(native method)                                                            @$                                                            @ 

an interface should declared when using retrofit.

public interface stockdataservice {} 

in interface, declare method:

// string int @get annotation should subpath , should declare baseurl @get("") call<result> access(@querymap map<string, string> options); 

put string "q", "format", "diagnostics","env","callback" keys of options actual values values of options


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