c# - Crystal Report Database LogOn when transferred to Server -

how can solve this?

when run system through local machine, not need log on database authentication, can see reports directly. when transferred system server others can access remotly, requires logon database , information correct. here .cs code

public partial class printpreview : system.web.ui.page {     reportdocument crprint = new reportdocument();     protected void page_init(object sender, eventargs e)     {         if (session["id"] == null)         {             response.redirect("../account/login.aspx");         }         else         {             string = session["tid"].tostring();              //crystalreportviewer1.visible = true;             string reportpath = server.mappath("../crystalreport2.rpt");             crprint.load(reportpath);             crprint.setdatabaselogon("sa", "pr0cess", "", "po");             crprint.setparametervalue("mosefno", i);             crystalreportviewer1.reportsource = crprint;         }        }   } 

the page need database log on when transfer database, how come?

and when transfer folder iis, "asp_client" folder empty, how fix this? thanks!

the problem when reload page session["id"] reset null. try check session state state server mode.
