sorting - How can i sort addtoset grouped results mongoDB query -

currently have following:

db.questionanswers.aggregate(   [     {         $group : { _id : {sessionid: "$sessionid", quizid: "$quizid" },             sessionid: {$first: "$sessionid"},             quizid: { $first: "$quizid"},             sessionstarted: {$first: "$created"},             questionsubmitted: {$last: "$created"},             answer: {$addtoset: "$answer"} }          },    ]  ) 

after trying many combinations of $sort, $each, $push, $unwind, $orderby, i'm unable, @ point, sort answer field, answers still being still in $groups defined.

aggregating :

{   "_id" : objectid("xxx"),   "quizid" : "xxx",   "sessionid" : "xxx",   "questionid" : "q1",   "answer" : "answer a",   "created" : isodate("2015-12-xxx"),   "__v" : 0 }, {   "_id" : objectid("xxx"),   "quizid" : "xxx",   "sessionid" : "xxx",   "questionid" : "q2",   "answer" : "answer b",   "created" : isodate("2015-12-xxx"),   "__v" : 0 }, // etc // 

using mongodb's $out output:

{   "_id" : {     "quizid" : "xxx",     "sessionid" : "xxx",   },   "sessionstarted" : "2015-12-xxx",   "questionssubmitted" : "2015-12-xxx"   "answer" : {     "0" : "answer a",     "1" : "answer b"     // etc //   } } 

this similar answer, although useful, doesn't offer of idea in terms of doing grouping.
