json - How to post bulk to elastic search using python? -

i have post information elastic search using python. info looks like

{  "index": {"_type": "testsuitereport","_index": "testsuite"}}{"driver name": "","run mode": "","testsuite_starttime": "2016-10-0t14:20:09","testsuite link": "2016-10-20t14:20:09","number of tests passed": 491} 

i using curl posting data search server using command

curl -i -x put -k "http://serverip:5601/_bulk" --data-binary @filelocation. 

can me finding alternative way implement in python ?

read json data file. use requests python library post json server

import requests data = open('yourfile').read() url = "http://serverip:5601/_bulk" requests.post(url, data=data) 


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