python - Flask SQLAlchemy filter by value OR another -

i have flask project interacts mysql db through flask-sqlalchemy.

my question is, how select row database based on value or value.

the results want in sql looks this

select id users email=email or name=name; 

how achieve in flask-sqlalchemy?

the following may help:

# flask import flask flask_sqlalchemy import sqlalchemy  app = flask(__name__) app.config['sqlalchemy_database_uri'] = 'url_or_path/to/database' db = sqlalchemy(app)  class user(db.model):     __tablename__ = 'users'     id = db.column(db.integer, primary_key=true)     email = db.column(db.string(50), unique=true)     name = db.column(db.string(30))      def __init__(self, name=none, email=none):         if not name:             raise valueerror('\'name\' cannot none')         if not email:             raise valueerror('\'email\' cannot none') = name = email  class userquery(object):     @staticmethod     def get_user_id_by_email_or_name(email=none, name=none):         user = user.query.filter(( == email) | ( == name)).first()         return if hasattr(user, 'id') else none 

the '|' can used inside filter instead of 'or_'. see using or in sqlalchemy.

you can use this:

>>> app import db, user, userquery >>> db.create_all() >>> user = user(name='stan', email='') >>> db.session.add(user) >>> db.session.commit() >>> by_name_id = userquery.get_user_id_by_email_or_name(name='stan') >>> by_email_id = userquery.get_user_id_by_email_or_name(email='') >>> by_name_id == by_email_id true 
