ios - how to implement Deferred deeplink using HOKO Links? -

i have implement smart link using hoko in ios app.

and works fine, when my app installed link app

hokdeeplink *deeplink = [hokdeeplink                 deeplinkwithroute:@"viewcontroller/:product_id"                 routeparameters:@{@"product_id": @"2"}                 queryparameters:@{@"referrer": @"jax1"}                 metadata:@{@"coupon": @"20"}]; [[hoko deeplinking] generatesmartlinkfordeeplink:deeplink success:^(nsstring *smartlink) {     nslog(@"smartlink == %@",smartlink);      //[[social sharedinstance] shareproduct:self.product link:smartlink]; } failure:^(nserror *error) {     nslog(@"error = %@",error.description);      // share web link instead     //[[social sharedinstance] shareproduct:self.product link:self.product.weblink]; }]; 

by using above code create link inside app

and when tap on link redirect me app

[[hoko deeplinking] maproute:@"viewcontroller/:product_id" totarget:^(hokdeeplink *deeplink) {     nsstring *productid = deeplink.routeparameters[@"product_id"];     nsstring *referrer = deeplink.queryparameters[@"referrer"];      nslog(@"product id = %@ && refferer = %@",productid,referrer);      // when deeplink opened     nslog(@"here in app did finish launching..");  }]; 

by using above code in appdelegate receive link , want.

but want implement deferred link using this,

i read document did not getting solution still in document , it's example in github did not solution.

i want code sample implement it. because there explanation more features in document have not time read whole features.

so please me in if done before

any solution appreciate

and please tell me way test deferred link without doing live because testing have upload app in live right in developing phase in testing there has create more versions of app.

thank you!

the above code working live have tested. link working , deferred link working.

but still confuse in referrer key in queryparameter must or can use string key?


deferred link hokolinks complex test because have test live version can not perfect code navigation without testing

for must have make app live. did not found other way test this.

yes know link work same simple smart link developer must have test once live app.

and if developer confusing , make logs , alert testing he/she must have release @ least 2 new version , wait till app in review appstore.

and document big , no proper example code can understandable because developers not come fixed territory can terms follow different in programming little bit complex understand.

other wise above code work fine live have tested live perfect.

thank you!
