Excel VBA slow to delete column unless document saved first -

i'm having trouble speed of code deletes columns. code below takes 5 seconds run, if save document right before running takes 1 second. savings isn't great have decent computer , others run sheet on thin clients , have more code run. when workbook completed, not able save used template , saved new workbook when completed. number of rows data ~49,000 , have tried without clearcontents first well.

is there way speed without having save document first?

sub generateoperations()  application     .screenupdating = false     .displayalerts = false     .enableevents = false     .cutcopymode = false end  dim opsheet worksheet  set opsheet = sheet3  application.calculation = xlcalculationmanual opsheet.range("a:c,e:g,l:q").clearcontents opsheet.range("a:c,e:g,l:q").delete xlshifttoleft application.calculation = xlcalculationautomatic  application     .screenupdating = true     .displayalerts = true     .enableevents = true end  end sub 

have tried without bit : .screenupdating = true ?


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