python - match template which crop non-rectangular region and get wrong -

the code here can crop image choose.

i want match template image , roi image,but code can crop non-rectangular region.(other area black.)

enter image description here

like picture,you can see black area.

enter image description here

so when match image roi image,i wrong.

any idea ?

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 import numpy np drawing = false ix,iy = -1,-1 def getimage(drawline):     print drawline     image = cv2.imread('op1.jpg', -1)     mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)     roi_corners = np.array([drawline], dtype=np.int32)     channel_count = image.shape[2]     ignore_mask_color = (255,)*channel_count     cv2.fillpoly(mask, roi_corners, ignore_mask_color)     masked_image = cv2.bitwise_and(image, mask)     gti(masked_image) def gti(masked_image):     iii = 0     while  not np.sum(masked_image[iii,:,:]):             resized_top = masked_image[iii+1:,:,:]             iii = iii + 1     size_img = resized_top.shape     iii = size_img[0]     while not np.sum(resized_top[iii-2:iii-1,:,:]):             resized_bottom = resized_top[0:iii-1,:,:]             iii = iii - 1     iii = 0     while  not np.sum(resized_bottom[:,iii,:]):             resized_left = resized_bottom[:,iii+1:,:]             iii = iii + 1     size_img = resized_left.shape     iii = size_img[1]     while  not np.sum(resized_left[:,iii-2:iii-1,:]):             resized_right = resized_left[:,0:iii-1:,:]             iii = iii - 1     cv2.imshow('masked image', resized_right)     cv2.waitkey()     cv2.destroyallwindows() def draw_circle(event,x,y,flags,param):     global ix,iy,drawing,temp,point     if event == cv2.event_lbuttondown:         if point == []:             point.append((x,y))             drawing = true     elif event == cv2.event_mousemove:         if drawing == true:             cv2.line(temp,point[-1],(x,y),(0,255,0),5)             cv2.imshow("image",temp)             temp = img.copy()     elif event == cv2.event_lbuttonup:         if drawing == true:             point.append((x,y))             if abs(point[0][0]-point[-1][0]) + abs(point[0][1]-point[-1][1]) < 30:                 drawing = false                 cv2.line(img,point[-2],point[-1],(0,255,0),5)                 point[-1] = point[0]                 getimage(point)             else:                 cv2.line(img,point[-2],point[-1],(0,255,0),5)             cv2.imshow("image",img) img = cv2.imread("op1.jpg") cv2.imshow("image",img) cv2.setmousecallback('image',draw_circle) global temp,point point = [] temp = img.copy() while(1):     k = cv2.waitkey(1) & 0xff     if k == ord('m'):         mode = not mode     elif k == 27:         cv2.destroyallwindows()         break 
