javascript - React-router browserHistory OVH -


i'm trying reactjs , until production... mean, have ovh website (it's own, it's shared hosting).

on development, use react router browserhistory , historyapifallbackfor webpack-dev-server. it's fine.

but when build app webpack, on production, when reload page, 404.

i can't run server express on website, it's shared hosting. solutions?


const webpack = require('webpack') const conf = require('./') const ora = require('ora') const spinner = ora('building...') const path = require('path') const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '../') require('shelljs/global')  spinner.start() rm('-rf', 'build') mkdir('-p', path.join(root, 'build')) cp(path.join(root, 'source/index-build.html'), path.join(root, 'build/index.html'))  webpack(conf, (err, stats) => {   spinner.stop()   if (err) throw err    process.stdout.write(`${stats.tostring({     colors: true,     modules: false,     children: false,     chunks: false,     chunkmodules: false   })}\n`) })

const webpack = require('webpack') const config = require('./webpack.base')  const extracttextplugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin') const extractcss = new extracttextplugin('bundle.css')  config.plugins = config.plugins.concat([   extractcss,   new webpack.optimize.uglifyjsplugin({     comments: false,     warnings: false,   }),   new webpack.defineplugin({     'process.env.node_env': json.stringify(process.env.node_env || 'production')   }) ])  const cssloaders = config.module.loaders[0].loaders config.module.loaders[0].loaders = null config.module.loaders[0].loader = extractcss.extract(cssloaders.slice(1, cssloaders.length))  module.exports = config 


const path = require('path') const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '../')  const stylelintplugin = require('stylelint-webpack-plugin')  module.exports = {   entry: {     app: [       path.join(root, 'source/styles/styles.scss'),       path.join(root, 'source/scripts/index.js')     ]   },   output: {     path: path.join(root, 'build'),     filename: 'bundle.js',     publicpath: '/build/'   },   module: {     preloaders: [{       test: /\.js$/,       exlude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,       loader: 'eslint'     }],     loaders: [{       test: /\.scss$/,       loaders: ['style', 'css', 'sass', 'sass-resources']     }, {       test: /\.js$/,       exlude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,       loader: 'babel'     }, {       test: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)$/,       loader: 'url',       query: {         limit: 100,         name: 'images/[name]-[hash:16].[ext]'       },       include: path.join(root, 'source/static/images')     }, {       test: /\.(woff2|ttf|eog|svg)$/,       loader: 'file',       query: {         limit: 1,         name: 'fonts/[name]-[hash:16].[ext]'       },       include: path.join(root, 'source/static/fonts')     }, {       test: /\.json$/,       loader: 'url',       query: {         name: 'json/[name]-[hash:16].[ext]'       },       include: path.join(root, 'source/static/json')     }, {       test: /\.mp4$|\.webm$/,       loader: 'url',       query: {         limit: 3000,         name: 'videos/[name]-[hash:16].[ext]'       },       include: path.join(__dirname, 'source/static/video')     }]   },   plugins: [     new stylelintplugin({       files: './source/**/*.scss'     })   ],   sassresources: [     path.join(root, 'source/styles/_variables.scss'),     path.join(root, 'source/styles/_functions.scss'),     path.join(root, 'source/styles/_mixins.scss')   ],   eslint: {     configfile: path.join(root, '.eslintrc'),     formatter: require('eslint-friendly-formatter')   },   sasslint: {     configfile: path.join(root, '.sass-lint.yml')   } } 


import react 'react' import { createstore, applymiddleware, compose } 'redux' import { render } 'react-dom' import { provider } 'react-redux' import { router, route, browserhistory, indexredirect } 'react-router' import { synchistorywithstore, routermiddleware } 'react-router-redux' import thunk 'redux-thunk'  import app './containers/app' import projects './components/projects' import work './components/work' import profile './components/profile'  import routes './constants/routes' import reducers './reducers'  const middleware = [   thunk,   routermiddleware(browserhistory) ]  // create stores const store = createstore(   reducers,   compose(     applymiddleware(...middleware),     window.devtoolsextension ? window.devtoolsextension() : f => f   ) )  // history const history = synchistorywithstore(browserhistory, store)  render ((   <provider store={store}>     <router history={history}>       <route path={routes.root} component={app}>          <indexredirect to="/door-opener" />          <route path={routes.profile} component={profile} />         <route path={routes.projects} component={projects} />         <route path={} component={work} />       </route>     </router>   </provider>),   document.getelementbyid('root') )  if ( {   // enable webpack hot module replacement reducers'./reducers', () => {     const nextreducer = require('./reducers/index').default     store.replacereducer(nextreducer)   }) } 

if shared host won't let configure server, won't able this, need able reroute urls.


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