php - Yii2 datatables format datetime adds one hour -

i have datatable in yii2 project, has column called streamtime, in database format streamtime y-m-d h:i:s , trying convert d-m-y h:i, when 1 hour gets added datetime.

<?= datatables::widget([                 'dataprovider' => $dataprovider,                 'columns' => [                     [                         'label'=> 'stream time',                         'attribute'=>'datetime',                         'format' => ['datetime', 'd-m-y h:i'],                     ],                      '',                      'game',                     'description',                     // 'created_at',                     // 'updated_at',                      ['class' => 'yii\grid\actioncolumn'],                 ],             ]); ?> 

this showes up this database time

please check have correctly set time zone date_default_timezone_set


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