c++ - MPI_Bcast Matrix Multiplication Setup -
i using mpi multiply 2 matrices (2d arrays) in parallel, dividing rows evenly , dispersing them among child processes. master works on chunk of rows. understand how , did using mpi_send/mpi_recv trying mpi_bcast , can't figure out when bcast , send. when output finished matrix (c) @ various points seems not rows being calculated/updated , know it's because not correctly specifying buffer.
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <mpi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int myid, nproc; int ibuffer[200]; // integer buffer, use proper size , type double dbuffer[2000]; // double buffer, use proper size , type char sbuffer[200]; // string buffer int msg_len; int i, j, k; // initialize mpi environment , needed data mpi_init(&argc, &argv); mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, &nproc); mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, &myid); // name of processor mpi_get_processor_name(sbuffer, &msg_len); int rowa = 5, cola = 2, rowb = cola, colb = 3, rowc = rowa, colc = colb; // start clock double start_time = mpi_wtime(); // initialize matrices double **mata = new double*[rowa]; (int = 0; < rowa; ++i) mata[i] = new double[cola]; double **matb = new double*[rowb]; (int = 0; < rowb; ++i) matb[i] = new double[colb]; double **matc = new double*[rowc]; (int = 0; < rowc; ++i) matc[i] = new double[colc]; (int = 0; < rowa; i++) // mata { (int j = 0; j < cola; j++) { mata[i][j] = 2; } } (int = 0; < rowb; i++) // matb { (int j = 0; j < colb; j++) { matb[i][j] = 2; } } (int = 0; < rowc; i++) // matc { (int j = 0; j < colc; j++) { matc[i][j] = 0; } } // procs compute chunk size, no need send separate int chunk = rowa / nproc; int rest = rowa % nproc; int my_start_row = myid * chunk; // find start row int my_end_row = (myid + 1) * chunk; // find end row // assign rest ot last worker if (myid == nproc-1) my_end_row += rest; int dcount = cola * chunk; // data count send worker mpi_status status; // status variable neede receive if (myid == 0) { // send rows needed workers (don't know if need or not) //mpi_bcast(mata, dcount, mpi_double, 0, mpi_comm_world); // work on own part (int i= my_start_row; < my_end_row; i++) { for(int j=0; j < colb; j++) { for(int k=0; k < rowb; k++) { matc[i][j] = matc[i][j] + (mata[i][k] * matb[k][j]); } } } (int n=1; n<nproc; n++) { mpi_bcast(matc, dcount, mpi_double, n, mpi_comm_world); printf("\n ==++ master receive result worker[%d], \n", n); } } else { // worker, receive needed info , start working //mpi_bcast(mata, dcount, mpi_double, 0, mpi_comm_world); //printf("\n +++ worker[%d], recived %d rows master \n", myid, myid*chunk); cout << "\n === master sent rows " << myid * chunk << " through " << (myid+1) * chunk << " process #" << myid << endl; // work first (int i= my_start_row; < my_end_row; i++) { for(int j=0; j < colb; j++) { for(int k=0; k < rowb; k++) { matc[i][j] = matc[i][j] + (mata[i][k] * matb[k][j]); } } } // send result master mpi_bcast(matc, dcount, mpi_double, myid, mpi_comm_world); printf("\n --- worker[%d], sent result master \n", myid); } // end clock double end_time = mpi_wtime(); if (myid == 0) { cout << "\nparallel exec time: " << end_time - start_time << endl; } mpi_finalize(); // clean , release storage (int i=0; i< rowa; i++) { delete [] mata[i]; mata[i] = null; } delete [] mata; mata = null; (int i=0; i< rowa; i++) { delete [] matc[i]; matc[i] = null; } delete [] matc; matc = null; }
if question vague or troublesome understand, wondered if i'm incorrectly understanding how , when use bcast.
if don't make mistake in reading, code generate 3 same matrix @ beginning a, b , c each processor, compute multiplication of b, index. way, result of multiplication processor rank
c(rank) = a(begin;end) * b
at considered lines, ,
c(rank) = 0
so problem comes fact mpi_bcast
doesn't add matrix, nor concatene it, it's broadcasting function, , send buffer (here, matrix c) root processor others. each processor, doing bcast, overwrite previous bcast.
to concatene buffer, function use mpi_gather
. here, matrix well-sized @ beginning, concatenation not idea here.
two options :
- use function add operation , gathers data. can see
(but operation donex+(nbprocs-1)*0
, it's not useful call such function) - split , c in sub-sized matrix, , use
reunite results.
hope help! luck
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