Xamarin.Forms IOS Wont build -

i getting following error in visual studio:

severity code description project file line suppression state error 2016-11-10 08:12:21.588 ibtoold[1725:9661] [mt] dvtassertions: warning in /library/caches/com.apple.xbs/sources/ideinterfacebuilder/ideinterfacebuilder-11542/interfacebuilderkit/utilities/ibabstractinterfacebuilderplatformtoolmanager.m:254 details: failed attach interface builder cocoa touch tool error: error domain=com.apple.interfacebuilder code=-1 "encountered error communicating interface builder cocoa touch tool." userinfo={nsunderlyingerror=0x7f8f53b7e450 {error domain=nsposixerrordomain code=22 "invalid argument" userinfo={nsunderlyingerror=0x7f8f53c086a0 {error domain=nsposixerrordomain code=22 "invalid argument"}, nslocalizedfailurereason=failed spawn interface builder cocoa touch tool on simdevice : ibsimdevicetypeipad2x (4f7af09b-a326-4a75-8657-3269c0ef6ae9) : state={ shutdown } devicetype={ simdevicetype : com.apple.dt.xcode.ibsimdevicetype.ipad-2x } runtime={ simruntime : 10.1 (14b72) - com.apple.coresimulator.simruntime.ios-10-1 }, nslocalizeddescription=failed launch interface builder cocoa touch tool via coresimulator spawn}}, nslocalizeddescription=encountered error communicating interface builder cocoa touch tool., nslocalizedrecoverysuggestion=please check console.app crash reports "interface builder cocoa touch tool" further information., nslocalizedfailurereason=interface builder cocoa touch tool (-1) failed launch} object: method: +_threadsafe_launchnewtoolwithlaunchcontext:executioncontext:toolproxyclass:failurecontext:requestingmethod:error:forreason: thread: {number = 1, name = main} please file bug @ http://bugreport.apple.com warning message , useful information can provide. 2016-11-10 08:12:21.588 ibtoold[1725:9661] [mt] ibplatformtool: *** failed launch tool description system content 2x ibcocoatouchframework-nineoneandlater w/ default fidelity: encountered error communicating interface builder cocoa touch tool. (failure reason: interface builder cocoa touch tool (-1) failed launch): failed launch interface builder cocoa touch tool via coresimulator spawn (failure reason: failed spawn interface builder cocoa touch tool on simdevice : ibsimdevicetypeipad2x (4f7af09b-a326-4a75-8657-3269c0ef6ae9) : state={ shutdown } devicetype={ simdevicetype : com.apple.dt.xcode.ibsimdevicetype.ipad-2x } runtime={ simruntime : 10.1 (14b72) - com.apple.coresimulator.simruntime.ios-10-1 }): operation couldn’t completed. invalid argument (failure reason: invalid argument) 2016-11-10 08:12:35.502 ibtoold[1725:9661] [mt] ibplatformtool: wrote failed marshalling request diagnostics path: /var/folders/tn/0v0_c5j95614q6vh8_blgjqc0000gn/t/ib-agent-diagnostics_2016-11-10_08-12-29_853000 inspectmobile.ios

and also

internal error. please file bug @ bugreport.apple.com , attach "/var/folders/tn/0v0_c5j95614q6vh8_blgjqc0000gn/t/ib-agent-diagnostics_2016-11-10_10-13-47_446000".

sometimes error doesn't happen 99.99% of time have following installed :

on windows pc

  • xamarin.visualstudio_4.2.0.719

on mac

  • xcode 8.1
  • xamarin.ios- installed

i trying build emulator have tried build device, same error occures.


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