php - UserFrosting, Composer & wrong path in includeJSTop -

i started learning userfrosting...

i managed install highlightjs packagist using composer. went well, new folder , required files created in /userfrosting/vendor/components/highlightjs

however, initialize.php , it's includejstop() inject reference in path pointing /public_html/js while files in /userfrosting/vendor/components/highlightjs

there simple solution - copy highlightjs.js /userfrosting/vendor/components/highlightjs /public_html/js know if approach correct. or perhaps there better way files copied /public_html/js part of composer's install/update.

composer php packages. highlight.js javascript package, doesn't make sense load using composer.

there package managers javascript - npm being popular - userfrosting 0.3.1 doesn't use out of box (uf4 have integrations npm, hasn't been released of time of post).

your best bet indeed "manual install" , copy highlight.js file public/js directory. in case, don't need load composer.


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