rails search method for full string match and not substring when tagging used in blog -

i want full text search multiple words matches tags in blog in text field , not use "like" keyword in blog.rb matches substring(matching of substrings should not there). text entered should match tag. example: 'foo bar' tag should match search 'foo bar' , not 'foo' or 'bar'. changes need done following code in blog.rb?

    class blog < activerecord::base       extend friendlyid      friendly_id :slugurl, use: :slugged, slug_column: :slugurl       def self.search(search)      words = search.to_s.downcase.strip.split.uniq      words.map! { |word| "tag '%#{search}%'" }      psql = words.join(" , ")      self.where(psql)     end    end 

can me exact search method multiple tags?
