java - ActionBar three dots not displayed -

i want add menu items in action bar. added successfully. display when click on menu button of mobile, want display on action bar. in action bar there not dots shown @ right side.

i attached code below. template file also.

please suggest me solution - tried change attribute android:showasaction="never" /if room/always no use.

menu template

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="">             <item android:id="@+id/menu_pin_client"                   android:icon="@drawable/pin"                   android:title="@string/pin"                     android:showasaction="never"            android:orderincategory="100"/>                        </menu> 

java code:

//******************************************  @override                                    public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {  // todo auto-generated method stub     menuinflater menuinflater = getmenuinflater();     menuinflater.inflate(, menu);     return true;   }  @override                                public boolean onoptionsitemselected(menuitem item) {  // todo auto-generated method stub      switch (item.getitemid())                                        {                                                                                                case             string pin_url=op.geturl(client_profile.this,"client", "add_pinup","&vis_client_id="+client_id);             jsonarray pin_result = jsonfunctions.getjsonfromurl(pin_url+"&vis_encode=json",client_profile.this);                                     string result =pin_result.tostring();             if(result.equals("[\"success\"]"))             {                 operation.showtoast(getapplicationcontext(),r.string.pinned);                        }             return true;          default:             return super.onoptionsitemselected(item);    } } 


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