javascript - Grid filter with textfield extjs -

does me? i've created grid , add filter on outside textfield, on 1 filter runs when add textfield doesn't run, when first textfield blur, filter doesn't run. bellow code:

filtergrid = function (property, value) {     var grid = ext.getcmp('grid');;     if (value) {         var matcher = new regexp(ext.string.escaperegex(value), "i");{             filterfn: function (record) {                 return matcher.test(record.get(property));             }         });     } };  var grid = new ext.panel({     layout: 'border',     renderto: ext.getbody(),     height: 500,     items: [{             xtype: 'form',             region: 'north',             id: 'formpanel',             bodypadding: 10,             height: 75,             collapsible: true,             layout: 'hbox',             items: [{                     xtype: 'textfield',                     fieldlabel: 'name',                     labelalign: 'right',                     id: 'name',                     listeners: {                         change: function (field, value) {                             filtergrid('name', value);                         }                     }                 }, {                     xtype: 'textfield',                     fieldlabel: 'email',                     labelalign: 'right',                     id: 'email',                     listeners: {                         change: function (field, value) {                             filtergrid('email', value);                         }                     }                 }, {                     xtype: 'textfield',                     fieldlabel: 'phone',                     labelalign: 'right',                     id: 'phone',                     listeners: {                         change: function (field, value) {                             filtergrid('phone', value);                         }                     }                 }, {                     xtype: 'textfield',                     fieldlabel: 'type',                     labelalign: 'right',                     id: 'type',                     listeners: {                         change: function (field, value) {                             filtergrid('type', value);                         }                     }                 }]         },         {             xtype: 'grid',             region: 'center',             searchvalue: null,             matches: [],             currentindex: null,             searchregexp: null,             casesensitive: false,             regexpmode: false,             matchcls: 'x-livesearch-match',             defaultstatustext: 'nothing found',             id: 'grid',             store: {                 fields: ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'type'],                 data: [{                         name: 'homer',                         email: '',                         phone: '111-222-333',                         type: 'foo'                     }, {                         name: 'marge',                         email: '',                         phone: '111-222-334',                         type: 'foo'                     }, {                         name: 'bart',                         email: '',                         phone: '111-221-335',                         type: 'bar'                     }, {                         name: 'lisa',                         email: '',                         phone: '111-221-336',                         type: 'bar'                     }]             },             columnlines: true,             columns: [{                     text: 'name',                     dataindex: 'name',                     flex: 1                 }, {                     text: 'email',                     dataindex: 'email',                     flex: 1                 }, {                     text: 'phone',                     dataindex: 'phone',                     flex: 1                 }, {                     text: 'type',                     dataindex: 'type',                     flex: 1                 }],       }] }); 

kind regards

in filtergrid function, clearing filters using; , creating single filter property corresponds textfield changed. means there single filter applied store @ time.

one way approach remove filter applied particular property instead of clearing filters. can add (or re-add) filter changed property. need identify filters. example:; tag each filter name of property used create it. enable remove specific filter using {     if ( === property) {;     }   }) 

and add filter using{     filterfn: function (record) {         return matcher.test(record.get(property));     } }); 

see fiddle here:
