mysql - php editing record, how to include current id -

i trying add functionality cooking book, can't think way of including id clicking edit.

the table called "chefs", , 3 columns; -id auto_increment - name - country

then, have list on index.php displaying chefs list:

<?php    $chefs = get_chefs(); ?>  <h3>chefs' list</h3>   <ul>     <?php foreach ($chefs $chef) {       echo '<li>' . $chef['name'] . ' ' . $chef['country'] . '<a class="tolink" href="edit_chef.php?id=' . $chef['id'] . '" title="edit chef">edit chef</a>' . '</li>';       } ?> </ul> 

on functions php, have get_chefs() function , find_chef_by_id($id) function:

function get_chefs() {     include'db_connection.php';     try {         return $conn->query("select * chefs");       } catch (pdoexception $e) {         echo 'error:' . $e->getmessage() . "<br />";         return array();     }     return true; }  function find_chef_by_id($id = ':chef_id') {                   include 'db_connection.php';      $sql = 'select * chefs id=:chef_id';        try {       $results = $conn->prepare($sql);       $results->bindparam(':chef_id', $chef_id, pdo::param_int);           $results->execute();      } catch(pdoexception $e) {         echo 'error: ' . $e->getmessage() . '<br />';         return array();     }       return $results->fetchall(pdo::fetch_assoc); } 

to process edition of chef, created file called edit_chef.php:

if ($_server['request_method'] == 'post') {     $name = filter_input(input_post, 'name', filter_sanitize_string);     $country = filter_input(input_post, 'country', filter_sanitize_string);      if(empty($name)) {         $error_message = "chef's name can not empty";     } elseif (empty($country)) {         $error_message = "country can not empty";     }else {       if(edit_chef($name, $country)) {          header('location: index.php');          exit;       } else {            $error_message = "could not update chef";       }     } }  include 'includes/header.php';?>     <div class="col-container">       <h1>edit chef</h1>       <?php       if (isset($error_message)) {           echo '<p class="message">' . $error_message . '</p>';       }        $chefs = get_chefs();        foreach ($chefs $chef) {        $id = find_chef_by_id($chef["id"]);            ?>       <form method="post" action="edit_chef.php?chef=<?php echo urldecode($id); ?>">            <div>           <label for="name" class="required">name</label>           <input name="name" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($chef["name"]); ?>" />         </div>          <div>           <label for="country" class="required">country</label>           <input name="country" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($chef["country"]); ?>" />         </div>         <button class="submit" type="submit" name="submit">submit</button>       </form>     </div>   

but @ moment, don't know if because shouldn't loop foreach, or $id value form shouldn't find_chef_by_id($chef["id"]), when click on edit chef, goes right url "http://localhost/cooking_book/edit_chef.php?id=1" appears form each of chefs, not 1 clicked.

what doing wrong??

thank you

first mistake having $chef_id instead of $id in find_chef_by_id function, need fix that.

the other thing is, not understand why need loop around chefs in database if know id thats passed via address?

for example: in edit_chef.php need capture data:

<?php      //get id url     $chefid = null;     if ( isset($_get['id']) )         $chefid = $_get['id'];      if ( $chefid == null )         die ( "oops, chef id null, bad request?" );      //now find chef need     $thechef = find_chef_by_id($chefid);         //do stuff  ?> 

that should need fix.

also in form add hidden text field echo's out current id obtained via request:

<input type="hidden" name="chefid" value="<?=$chefid?>"> 

using method you're able pull chef id post data next time user presses submit button on edit form, not need custom action="blah" on form inside chef_edit.php
