Facebook Profile Picture View not refreshing on successful login/logout in Android -

seeing strange behavior

 private void profilechanged(profile oldprofile, profile currentprofile){     profilepictureview profilepictureview = (profilepictureview) findviewbyid(r.id.selection_profile_pic);     textview usernameview = (textview) findviewbyid(r.id.user_name);      if (currentprofile != null) {         navigationview navigationview = (navigationview) findviewbyid(r.id.nav_view);         menu menu = navigationview.getmenu();         menuitem nav_signout = menu.finditem(r.id.signout);         nav_signout.settitle(r.string.signout);          profilepictureview.setprofileid(currentprofile.getid());         usernameview.settext(string.format("%s %s",currentprofile.getfirstname(), currentprofile.getlastname()));      } else {         navigationview navigationview = (navigationview) findviewbyid(r.id.nav_view);         menu menu = navigationview.getmenu();         menuitem nav_signout = menu.finditem(r.id.signout);         nav_signout.settitle(r.string.signin);          profilepictureview.setprofileid(null);         usernameview.settext(r.string.welcome);     } } 

above function calling from

protected void oncurrentprofilechanged(profile oldprofile, profile currentprofile) 

i want toggle text on signin/out button. above code, profilepictureview not show image of logged in user. infact doesnt change @ all.

as comment out code toggling text, profilepictureview starts working expected.

any idea why changing text of menuitem interfere loading of picture?

thanks chahat


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