Custom Animation Component Ionic 2 RC0 and Angular 2 -

since moving ionic 2 rc0, i'm trying create custom component animate list of objects in ngfor loop.

here code component.

import { component, trigger, keyframes, animate, transition, style, ngzone } '@angular/core';  @component({   selector: 'animation-target',   templateurl: 'animation-target.html',   animations: [       trigger('zoomin', [           transition('inactive => active', animate(1000, keyframes([               style({                   transform: 'opacity(0)  scale3d(.3, .3, .3);', offset: 0 }),               style({ transform: 'opacity(1)', offset: .50 }),           ]))),       ])   ] }) export class animationtarget {     title = 'app works!';     public zoomstate: string;      constructor(public zone: ngzone) {     }     triggeranimation() {         this.zoomstate = "active";     }      reset() { => {             this.zoomstate = "inactive";         });     }  } 

here component html:

<animation-target [@zoomin]="zoomstate" (@zoomin.done)="reset()"></animation-target> 

here i'm attempting use component:

<ion-item *ngfor="let event of gameevents" text-wrap>   <h2 *ngif="event.category" animation-target [ngclass]="{'header-main': event.challenger, 'header-primary': !event.challenger }">{{event.category}} - {{event.time}} minutes: {{event.instigator}} {{event.description}}</h2> </ion-item> 

here css zoomin animation being stored in app.scss:

@keyframes zoomin {   {     opacity: 0;     transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);   }    50% {     opacity: 1;   } }  .zoomin {   animation-name: zoomin; } 

currently when go build app following output , error , i'm unsure i'm missing.

[10:03:58]  ionic-app-scripts 0.0.38 [10:03:58]  build prod started ... [10:03:58]  clean started ... [10:03:58]  clean finished in 19 ms [10:03:58]  copy started ... [10:03:58]  ngc started ... [10:03:59]  copy finished in 1.34 s [10:04:00]  lint started ... [10:04:08]  lint finished in 8.07 s [10:05:04]  error: error @             d:/app_rc0/app/.tmp/components/animation-target/animation-target.ngfactory.ts:104:45 [10:05:04]  supplied parameters not match signature of call target. [10:05:04]  ngc failed [10:05:04]  ionic-app-script task: "build" [10:05:04]  error: error  npm err! windows_nt 10.0.14393 npm err! argv "c:\\program files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe" "c:\\users\\user\\appdata\\roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "run" "build" npm err! node v6.7.0 npm err! npm  v3.10.9 npm err! code elifecycle npm err! app@ build: `ionic-app-scripts build` npm err! exit status 1 npm err! npm err! failed @ app@ build script 'ionic-app-scripts build'. npm err! make sure have latest version of node.js , npm installed. npm err! if do, problem app package, npm err! not npm itself. npm err! tell author fails on system: npm err!     ionic-app-scripts build npm err! can information on how open issue project with: npm err!     npm bugs app npm err! or if isn't available, can info via: npm err!     npm owner ls app npm err! there additional logging output above.  npm err! please include following file support request: npm err!     d:\app_rc0\app\npm-debug.log caught exception:  undefined 

any appreciated i'm still new ionic 2 , angular 2 , newer animations in angular 2.
