SAPUI5 component ChartContainer property autoAdjustHeight not working -

i using own component places chartcontainer in flexbox (also trying use fixflex). chartcontainer property autoadjustheight not working correctly. in chrome version 54.0.2840.71 m (64-bit) did not stretch chartcontainer height till end of screen.

enter image description here

in ie version 11.633.10586.0 property behaves stranger. chartcontainer height increasing few pixels per second , did not stop (so runs out of screen , continue increase height).

in fiori design guidelines written: property autoadjustheight = true works correctly if page property enablescrolling set false. set recommended. did anybode has similar problems having autoadjustheight property, when using in component? if yes glad not alone.

when use autoadjustheight in xml code without component works should. problem when trying implement in own component.

here pieces of code. page component loaded:

<core:view controllername="abc.controller.test"            xmlns:core="sap.ui.core"             xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"            xmlns="sap.m"             xmlns:html=""            xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout">        <page id="idscverticallayout" title="abc" shownavbutton="true" navbuttonpress="onnavback" enablescrolling="false">      </page>  </core:view> 

and component xml placed inside page (result shown in picture):

<mvc:view controllername=""     xmlns:core="sap.ui.core"      xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"      xmlns="sap.m"     xmlns:suite="sap.suite.ui.commons"      xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout"      xmlns:viz="sap.viz.ui5.controls"                 xmlns:common="sap.ui.commons">         <flexbox alignitems="start" height="100%" >             <items>                                      <suite:chartcontainer                     id="idchartcontainer"                     showfullscreen="false"                     showpersonalization="false"                     autoadjustheight="true"                     showlegendbutton="false"                     showlegend="true"                                            showzoom="false"                     title="">                        <suite:chartcontainercontent                                 icon = "sap-icon://bar-chart"                                  title = "{i18n>chart}">                                      <suite:content>                                      <viz:vizframe id="categorychart" uiconfig="{applicationset:'fiori'}"></viz:vizframe>                                 </suite:content>                     </suite:chartcontainercontent>                                </suite:chartcontainer>              </items>             </flexbox> </mvc:view> 

thanks advice.

thanks question. seems not alone.

i tried demo example in

`` : 

with chrome, option “autoadjustheight” not show effect. both in ie , firefox bottom of screen sinking downwards described you.

we issue.
