php - Cannot access vagrant vm from the host machine -

i've set vagrant virtual box puphpet running fine (in ubuntu 14.04) , i'm able connect via ssh. i've used vagrant hostmanager vm's ip automatically added hosts file.

this hosts file:   localhost   pcuser-hp-elitebook-8470p  # following lines desirable ipv6 capable hosts ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters   ## vagrant-hostmanager-start id: 2314dd30-24cf-4122-8779-8b755f5e6186    projectname.local    www.projectname.local ## vagrant-hostmanager-end  ## vagrant-hostmanager-start id: c20d4d7f-3ada-4b2a-b142-e44826571754  machine1.puphpet ## vagrant-hostmanager-end 

the problem when try access vm host either through ip address or through virtual host server name i've set (

either time it's unable connect it, although i've pinged machine ip host , it's responding fine.

at first didn't have vagrant hostmanager installed , added ip , virtual host server name ( manually hosts file wasn't able connect.

i've checked settings in config.yaml file , seem fine:

vagrantfile: target: local vm:     provider:         local:             box: puphpet/ubuntu1404-x64             box_url: puphpet/ubuntu1404-x64             box_version: '0'             chosen_virtualizer: virtualbox             virtualizers:                 virtualbox:                     modifyvm:                         natdnshostresolver1: false                     showgui: 0                 vmware:                     numvcpus: 1                 parallels:                     linked_clone: 0                     check_guest_tools: 0                     update_guest_tools: 0             machines:                 vflm_zaw8al7jczu3:                     id: machine1                     hostname: machine1.puphpet                     network:                         private_network:                         forwarded_port:                             vflmnfp_67om22p4f0j3:                                 host: '5608'                                 guest: '22'                     memory: '1024'                     cpus: '1'     provision:         puppet:             manifests_path: puphpet/puppet/manifests             module_path:                 - puphpet/puppet/modules                 - puphpet/puppet/manifests             options:                 - '--verbose'                 - '--hiera_config /vagrant/puphpet/puppet/hiera.yaml'     synced_folder:         vflsf_y5mnuhi3ihqh:             source: ./             target: /var/www             sync_type: nfs             smb:                 smb_host: ''                 smb_username: ''                 smb_password: ''                 mount_options:                     dir_mode: '0775'                     file_mode: '0664'             rsync:                 args:                     - '--verbose'                     - '--archive'                     - '-z'                 exclude:                     - .vagrant/                     - .git/                 auto: 'true'             owner: www-data             group: www-data     usable_port_range:         start: 10200         stop: 10500     post_up_message: '' 

do need change in configuration or missing or doing wrong?

any appreciated.

you start server bound / localhost ip accessible vm

you need start using ip of vm or ip. should work

php bin/console server:start 
