i want to use a toggle switch for active inactive status, i want to use in yii2 curd index page, i have added a widget toggle -

i want use toggle switch active inactive status, want use in yii2 curd index page, have added widget toggle


            'class' => 'yii\grid\actioncolumn',           'template'=>  toggle::widget(             [             /* 'attribute'=>'company_status',*/                 'clientevents'=>['validate()'],                 "id"=>"stat",                 'name' => 'stat', // input name. either 'name', or 'model' , 'attribute' properties must specified.                 //'checked' => 'true',                 'options' => [], // checkbox options. more data html options [see here](http://www.bootstraptoggle.com)             ] 

how change checked status
