ruby on rails - Creating a Parent object whose HABTM accepts_nested_attributes_for children is ignoring the association(children) attributes update -

my activerecord models:

class parent < ar   has_and_belongs_to_many :children   accepts_nested_attributes_for :children, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true end  class child < ar   has_and_belongs_to_many :parents end 

the controller parent creating. [edited]

def new   current_child = current_user.set_child #first or initialize   @parent =   @parent.child_ids = [].compact   @children = [current_child] end  def create   @parent =   if     ...   else     @children = @parent.children     render :new   end end 


def parent_params   params.require(:parent).merge( child_ids: params[:parent][:children_attributes].map{|p,v| v[:id]} ).   permit(:id, :picture, :remove_picture, child_ids: [],   children_attributes: [ :id, :user_id, :full_name, :_destroy ] ) end 


the simple form parent:

= f.simple_fields_for :children, @children |child|    = render 'child_fields', f: child 

child fields file:

= f.hidden_field :id, value: = f.hidden_field :user_id, value: f.object.user_id ... 


the point when parent saved, children_parents join table update (nice), children table has no id children inserted (nice), but if children has id (persisted), children table not perform update on them

debugging prev line before, possible ensure @parent.children contains children new attributes. executed command, children attributes aren't updating , if save called again, performs children update.

what happening?


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