Multiple GPU code on Matlab runs for few seconds only -

i running following matlab code on system 1 gtx 1080 , k80 (with 2 gpus)

delete(gcp('nocreate'));  parpool('local',2);  spmd      gpudevice(labindex+1)  end  reset(gpudevice(2))  reset(gpudevice(3))   parfor i=1:100      singlegpumatlabcode(i);  end 

the code runs around second. when rerun code after few seconds. message:

error using parallel.gpu.cudadevice/reset unexpected error occurred during cuda execution. cuda error was: unknown error  error in createdictionary reset(gpudevice(2)) 

i tried increasing tdrdelay, did not help.

something in gpu code causing error on device. because code running asynchronously, error not picked until next synchronisation point, when run code again. need see contents of singlegpumatlabcode know error might be. perhaps there's allocation failure or out of bounds access. errors aren't correctly handled converted 'unknown error' @ next cuda operation.

try adding wait(gpudevice) inside loop identify when error occurring.

if either device 2 or 3 gtx1080, may have discovered issue matlab's restricted support pascal architecture. see

if caused windows timeout, see several second screen blackout.
