amazon web services - Can't collectstatic in Travis CI using django -

in project make 2 parts 'development' 'production'

in development

staticfiles_storage = '' 

in wef/settings/production

staticfiles_storage = '' default_file_storage = 'storages.backends.s3boto.s3botostorage'  aws_access_key_id = os.environ.get("aws_access_key_id") aws_secret_access_key = os.environ.get("aws_secret_access_key") aws_storage_bucket_name = os.environ.get("aws_storage_bucket_name") 

in local project

when command

python wef/ collectstatic --noinput 

it's ok (it has no problem) development command staticfile saved local storage

and when command

python wef/ collectstatic --settings=wef.settings.production 

it's ok too, staticfiles uploaded aws s3 storages(finished double check)

so decide run unnit test in travis ci(testing static file load success)

here .travis.yml

in .travis.yml

language: python python:     - 3.5.1 addons:      postgresql:"9.5.1" install:     - pip install -r requirement/development.txt before_script:     - psql -c 'create database bookconnect;' -u postgres     - createuser hanminsoo     - psql -c 'grant privileges on database bookconnect hanminsoo;' -u postgres     - psql -c 'alter user hanminsoo createdb;' -u postgres     - npm -g install yuglify     - npm install yuglify script:     - pep8     - python wef/ makemigrations users items     - python wef/ migrate     - python wef/ collectstatic --noinput     - python wef/ test users 

and travis show me error

boto.exception.noauthhandlerfound: no handler ready authenticate. 1 handlers checked. ['hmacauthv1handler'] check credentials 

it strange... because before add aws key in projects

travis has no problem..

this problem exposed me when add insert aws key in projects

i think development collectstatic doesn't need aws key(isn't it?)

if trvis ci command is

python wef/ collectstatic settings=wef.settings.production 

i can understand because when staticfile upload s3(aws)

but in development collectstatic , staticfile saved local storage!!

please give me advice please...
