php - Unable to Subscribe to Redis Channel Laravel 5.2 -

i following laravel office redis guide having problem

after creating command when run " -> php artisan redis:subscribe" in console following error

  [symfony\component\console\exception\commandnotfoundexception]     there no commands defined in "redis" namespace.  

i unable listen redis chanel.

redis publish channel method working fine. check this. in console typed "-> redis-cli" , "subscribe mychannel" on refreshing browser getting publish data in console.

i unable subscribe via laravel.

i tried using wild card

route::get('/subscribe', function() {   redis::psubscribe(['*'], function($message, $channel) {       echo $message;   }); }); 

but browser keep loading , don't data. tried making method in controller

public function subscribechannel() {     $redis = redis::connection();     $redis->subscribe(['channel'], function($message) {         echo $message;     }); } 

this subscribechannel method gives me following error

errorexception in streamconnection.php line 390: strlen() expects parameter 1 string, array given 

my configuration in config/database.php folowing

'redis' => [          'cluster' => false,          'default' => [             'host' => env('redis_host', 'localhost'),             'password' => env('redis_password', null),             'port' => env('redis_port', 6379),             'database' => 0,             'read_write_timeout' => 0         ],     ], 

looking thanks
