openstack - unrecognized arguments floating-ips fixed-ips for nova quota-class-update -

where commands go?

set openstack cluster newton packstack. on control machine, tried reconfigure setting of neutron resources failed on floating-ip , fixed-ip.

 nova quota-class-update --instances -1 --cores -1 --ram -1 --floating-ips -1 --fixed-ips -1 --server-groups -1 --server-group-members -1 default -group-members -1 default usage: nova [--version] [--debug] [--os-cache] [--timings]             [--os-region-name <region-name>] [--service-type <service-type>]             [--service-name <service-name>]             [--os-endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]             [--os-compute-api-version <compute-api-ver>]             [--bypass-url <bypass-url>] [--insecure]             [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>]             [--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>] [--os-auth-type <name>]             [--os-auth-url os_auth_url] [--os-domain-id os_domain_id]             [--os-domain-name os_domain_name] [--os-project-id os_project_id]             [--os-project-name os_project_name]             [--os-project-domain-id os_project_domain_id]             [--os-project-domain-name os_project_domain_name]             [--os-trust-id os_trust_id]             [--os-default-domain-id os_default_domain_id]             [--os-default-domain-name os_default_domain_name]             [--os-user-id os_user_id] [--os-username os_username]             [--os-user-domain-id os_user_domain_id]             [--os-user-domain-name os_user_domain_name]             [--os-password os_password]             <subcommand> ... error: unrecognized arguments: --floating-ips --fixed-ips -1 default try 'nova ' more information. 

here default quota table:

    nova quota-show     +-----------------------------+-------+     | quota                       | limit |     +-----------------------------+-------+     | instances                   | -1    |     | cores                       | -1    |     | ram                         | -1    |     | metadata_items              | 128   |     | injected_files              | 5     |     | injected_file_content_bytes | 10240 |     | injected_file_path_bytes    | 255   |     | key_pairs                   | 100   |     | server_groups               | -1    |     | server_group_members        | -1    |     +-----------------------------+-------+ 

i dont see command list on options either

 root@localhost ~(keystone_admin)]# nova quota-update     usage: nova quota-update [--user <user-id>] [--instances <instances>]                              [--cores <cores>] [--ram <ram>]                              [--metadata-items <metadata-items>]                              [--injected-files <injected-files>]                              [--injected-file-content-bytes <injected-file-content-bytes>]                              [--injected-file-path-bytes <injected-file-path-bytes>]                              [--key-pairs <key-pairs>]                              [--server-groups <server-groups>]                              [--server-group-members <server-group-members>]                              [--force]                              <tenant-id>      update quotas tenant/user. (supported api versions '2.0' -     '2.latest') [hint: use '--os-compute-api-version' flag show message     proper version]      positional arguments:       <tenant-id>                   id of tenant set quotas for.      optional arguments:       --user <user-id>              id of user set quotas for.       --instances <instances>       new value "instances" quota.       --cores <cores>               new value "cores" quota.       --ram <ram>                   new value "ram" quota.       --metadata-items <metadata-items>                                     new value "metadata-items" quota.       --injected-files <injected-files>                                     new value "injected-files" quota.       --injected-file-content-bytes <injected-file-content-bytes>                                     new value "injected-file-content-                                     bytes" quota.       --injected-file-path-bytes <injected-file-path-bytes>                                     new value "injected-file-path-bytes"                                     quota.       --key-pairs <key-pairs>       new value "key-pairs" quota.       --server-groups <server-groups>                                     new value "server-groups" quota.       --server-group-members <server-group-members>                                     new value "server-group-members"                                     quota.       --force                       whether force update quota if                                     used , reserved exceeds new                                     quota. 

i new openstack. if need more information troubleshooting let me know. thx


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