ios - MPSCNN Weight Ordering -
the metal performance shader framework provides support building own convolutional neural nets. when creating instance mspcnnconvolution
requires 4d weight tensor init
parameter represented 1d float pointer.
init(device: mtldevice, convolutiondescriptor: mpscnnconvolutiondescriptor, kernelweights: unsafepointer<float>, biasterms: unsafepointer<float>?, flags: mpscnnconvolutionflags)
the documentation has 4d tensor
the layout of filter weight arranged can reinterpreted 4d tensor (array) weight[outputchannels][kernelheight][kernelwidth][inputchannels/groups]
unfortunately information doesn't tell me how arrange 4d array 1 dimensional float
i tried ordering weights bnns
counterpart requires it, without luck.
how represent 4d tensor (array) 1d float
pointer (array)?
ps: tried arranging c array , getting pointer flat array, didn't work.
@rhythmicfistman: that's how stored in plain array, can convert usafepointer<float>
(but doesn't work):
var output = array<float>(repeating: 0, count: weights.count) o in 0..<outputchannels { ky in 0..<kernelheight { kx in 0..<kernelwidth { in 0..<inputchannels { let offset = ((o * kernelheight + ky) * kernelwidth + kx) * inputchannels + output[offset] = ... } } } }
ok figured out. here 2 python functions use reform convolutions , connected matrices
# shape required mpscnn [oc kh kw ic] # tensorflow order [kh kw ic oc] def convshape(a): = np.swapaxes(a, 2, 3) = np.swapaxes(a, 1, 2) = np.swapaxes(a, 0, 1) return # connected requires x/y swap def fullshape(a): = np.swapaxes(a, 0, 1) return
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