sql server - query to remove first value from " For XML PATH " -

i have query :

 select ','''+ aa.kodeverifikasi +''''      tverifikasipofakturheader aa (nolock)          inner join tverifikasipofakturdetail bb (nolock) on  aa.kodeverifikasi=bb.kodeverifikasi          aa.kodepo='ts/01/15/00183'   group aa.kodeverifikasi         order aa.kodeverifikasi          xml path ('')   

and return :


but want remove first character "," , want return :


when using substring : substring(','''+ aa.kodeverifikasi +'''', 2, 8000) return : 'val6''val4''val5''val9'

please me,,, , thanks...

here 1 way using left function. append , @ end , remove using left function.

select left(result, len(result) - 1)   (select '''' + aa.kodeverifikasi + ''','           tverifikasipofakturheader aa (nolock)                inner join tverifikasipofakturdetail bb (nolock)                        on aa.kodeverifikasi = bb.kodeverifikasi          aa.kodepo = 'ts/01/15/00183'         group  aa.kodeverifikasi         order  aa.kodeverifikasi         xml path ('')) (result)  

or can wrap current query in stuff function , trim first character
