Ruby google request fails -

i'm creating google dork tool sends url encoded query , returns results array of links.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby  require 'cgi' require 'socket'  # define full path library cwd = file.expand_path(file.dirname(__file__)) lib = file.join(cwd, "lib")  # require project library files |x|   next unless x[/\.rb$/]   begin     require file.join(lib, x)   rescue     raise loaderror, "failed load #{x}."   end end  # build google dork def query(ext, site, inurl, intitle, intext)   query, values = "", []   dorks = %w(ext site inurl intitle intext)    values.push(ext, site, inurl, intitle, intext)    j = 0   values.each |i|     dork = dorks[j]      if dork.match(/^in/)       value = %q("#{i}")     else       value =     end      query += "#{dork}:#{value} " unless i.nil?     j += 1   end    query end  # sends search query def search(host, query, agent)   sock, links =, 80), []   query = cgi::escape(query).chop   request = "get /search?q=#{query} http/1.0\r\n\r\n"# http/1.0\r\nuser-agent: #{agent}\r\nconnection: close\r\n\r\n"    sock.puts request   response =   body = response.split("\r\n\r\n", 2)[1]    body.split("url?q=").each |link|     link = link.to_s.split("&amp;", 0)[0]      links << link if link.match(/^http|^https/) , link !~ /^http:\/\/webcache/   end    links end  agent = host = ""  q = query(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]) puts search(host, q, agent.randomize) 

for reason have yet figure out, if send request manually, works. however, if send using ruby script returns 302 error. example:

get /search? http/1.0

this request generated script. when using script http 302 error. if manually send same request using nc returns results.

nc 80

get /search? http/1.0

on top of that, if send this:

get /search? http/1.0

it works. third parameter causes have issues reason. can't seem figure out. thanks.

first off, 302 not error, redirecting you.

in case 302 result of google redirecting

if want use sockets you'll need deal redirects , ssl handshake. maybe checkout net::http can handle of you?


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